📄️ Introduction
While there are online sandboxes available for you to run JSONiq queries (like here), some people prefer having a local integrated development environment (IDE). These instructions will guide you through the process of setting up a local development environment for JSONiq using Zorba (a query processor for JSONiq) and Atom (an extensible text editor).
📄️ Prerequisites
You will need the following things to continue:
📄️ Step 1 – Install Zorba
After you download the Zorba 3.0 installer, start the installation process by opening the installer file (i.e. double click on it). Click through the installation screens, using the settings shown in the screenshots below:
📄️ Step 2 – Install Atom
Once you have finished installing Zorba, install the Atom text editor. It should automatically launch the editor when it finishes installing.
📄️ Step 3 – Install Atom Packages for JSONiq
Next, we need to install some additional Atom packages to support JSONiq development. This is done using the Atom Package Manager (apm). Open up a Windows command prompt, and enter the following commands:
📄️ Step 4 – Configure Atom Runner
At this point, if everything succeeded, you should be able to use Atom to write JSONiq queries and use the Zorba command prompt to execute them. It would be nice, however, to be able to execute JSONiq queries from within Atom. The Atom Runner package that we installed in the previous step provides that capability, but first it needs to be configured so that it knows how to run JSONiq queries.
📄️ Step 5 – Test and Finish
Congratulations, you should now have a fully functional JSONiq development environment installed on your local machine. Try testing out your new environment by opening up Atom and creating a new JSONiq file with a ".jq" extension. Try entering the following JSONiq code:
📄️ Troubleshooting
- The program can't start because libiconv.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.